C. Kirby-Lambert: Aptenodytes patagonicus (King Penguins) - Spheniscidae - and Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - St Andrew's Bay, South Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands-
C. Kirby-Lambert: Aptenodytes patagonicus (King Penguins) - Spheniscidae - St Andrew's Bay, South Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands-27
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - St Andrew's Bay, South Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Royal Bay, South Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Gold Harbour, South Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands-11-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Gold Harbour, South Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Gold Harbour, South Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands-2-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Gold Harbour, South Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands-4-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Gold Harbour, South Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands-5-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Gold Harbour, South Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands-6-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Gold Harbour, South Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands-7-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Gold Harbour, South Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands-9-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Gold Harbour, South Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands-10-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Danger Islands, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Heroina Island, Danger Islands, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica-7-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica-2-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica-3-Edit
C. Kirby-Lambert: Chionis albus (Snowy Sheathbill) - Chionidae - Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica-4-Edit