oi (oichanahcio): monument reflection
oi (oichanahcio): Tokyo Rainbow Bridge and trash
oi (oichanahcio): reflection
oi (oichanahcio): reflection b&w
oi (oichanahcio): light & shadow, black & white
oi (oichanahcio): 晴海信号所
oi (oichanahcio): お台場方面
oi (oichanahcio): 有明方面
oi (oichanahcio): 豊洲方面
oi (oichanahcio): Harumi Terminal
oi (oichanahcio): frame play
oi (oichanahcio): タワーマンション群
oi (oichanahcio): 逆さまピラミッド
oi (oichanahcio): sunset b&w
oi (oichanahcio): boat silhouette
oi (oichanahcio): 晴海埠頭の二人
oi (oichanahcio): 晴海埠頭 夕景 / Long Exposure with film
oi (oichanahcio): 晴海埠頭 夕景 風揺れ / Long Exposure with film
oi (oichanahcio): 晴海埠頭 夜景 / Long Exposure with film
oi (oichanahcio): Tokyo Rainbow Bridge / Long Exposure with film
oi (oichanahcio): タワーマンション群 夜景 / Long Exposure with film
oi (oichanahcio): Tokyo Tower / Long Exposure with film