jodimarr: from Mobile, AL to Meridian, MS
jodimarr: Front Street
jodimarr: Home of Lifetime Furniture
jodimarr: reconstuction Meridian, MS
jodimarr: city officials inauguration
jodimarr: splendour in the grass
jodimarr: Yucca girl
jodimarr: cottage kitchen view
jodimarr: Lord of Meridian lake :)
jodimarr: front porch view to the woods
jodimarr: treeeeees
jodimarr: Koi pond within the lake and lake boat
jodimarr: one more of this
jodimarr: side view of cottage w/ floating foot bridge to woods
jodimarr: green n yellah
jodimarr: floating foot bridge path & flowers
jodimarr: Yucca & Napoleon
jodimarr: shadows on the lake