jodimarr: Carlos Alvarez, engineer extraordinnaire
jodimarr: Paloma at the Hit Factory Studio A
jodimarr: the score
jodimarr: Maestro Campbell
jodimarr: musical playground
jodimarr: recap
jodimarr: board
jodimarr: Paloma
jodimarr: setup Historic Studio A
jodimarr: setup
jodimarr: playback
jodimarr: David Campbell conducting
jodimarr: strings
jodimarr: lovely instruments
jodimarr: score
jodimarr: Geo, me, Paloma
jodimarr: setting up in studio A
jodimarr: the team
jodimarr: _David & Carlos& Geo
jodimarr: Rob Wells
jodimarr: PF
jodimarr: watching the action
jodimarr: tracking
jodimarr: conducting
jodimarr: last minute check
jodimarr: David & Paloma
jodimarr: _decisions decisions
jodimarr: arrangement question
jodimarr: whaddya think?
jodimarr: Rob Wells & Paloma