jodimarr: chili snacks
jodimarr: minis
jodimarr: Chili, my new riding partner
jodimarr: Zippy & Julie do a teeth check
jodimarr: my cheering section
jodimarr: Zippy & Julie
jodimarr: polite Zippy
jodimarr: barn buddies
jodimarr: aw, now that's just too cute
jodimarr: one side of the stables
jodimarr: my Chili bud
jodimarr: resident lizard King
jodimarr: sweetie
jodimarr: waiting
jodimarr: new friends Ade & Chili
jodimarr: beautiful blaze on Chili
jodimarr: somebody pet me
jodimarr: Amber, Ade, Eamo
jodimarr: touchy feeley
jodimarr: main stable
jodimarr: Buckskin beauty2
jodimarr: Zippy and Julie
jodimarr: beautiful buckskin
jodimarr: part of the stables and ring in left background
jodimarr: such a lady
jodimarr: puh leese!
jodimarr: so cute
jodimarr: gimme 5
jodimarr: trust
jodimarr: I find cats everywhere