jodimarr: cute Halloween couple
jodimarr: Ahoy Matey
jodimarr: Halloween Pirate Enzo
jodimarr: Halloween Princess Maggie
jodimarr: I'm ready for my closeup
jodimarr: bewitched
jodimarr: dog park halloween party
jodimarr: everyone poops
jodimarr: flying pirate
jodimarr: with my sword I shall defend thee, Lady
jodimarr: linebacker (his name is popsicle)
jodimarr: flying devil
jodimarr: by devil you'll not get my girl!
jodimarr: Devlish boy
jodimarr: mommy i need to go potty
jodimarr: can I get a champagne please?
jodimarr: did we win the prize?
jodimarr: Angry Pirate
jodimarr: my neighbors and Mia their dog
jodimarr: Devil made him do it
jodimarr: and his cheerleader girlfriend
jodimarr: Halloween Football Player
jodimarr: do I look fat in this ?
jodimarr: is this thing on?
jodimarr: Celtic Bridge, as beers and a hot dog
jodimarr: take me out to the ballgame
jodimarr: tilted beer and sharon
jodimarr: serious beer bottle
jodimarr: Eamo and Sharon
jodimarr: woohoo!