fireun3: Ansel, Ethel, Joe, Mary, and Bea 1959044
fireun3: April 1983152
fireun3: April and Dad126
fireun3: April and Dad153
fireun3: April and Irondiqoit Creek flooding021
fireun3: April and Mitchel109
fireun3: April and Teresa canoe093
fireun3: April and Teresa canoe094
fireun3: April and Teresa NC105
fireun3: April and Teresa111
fireun3: April apple picking154
fireun3: April Birthday085
fireun3: April Birthday128
fireun3: April Birthday129
fireun3: April Birthday132
fireun3: April Easter139
fireun3: April Halloween023
fireun3: April HS Graduation097
fireun3: April maybe092
fireun3: April recital112
fireun3: April with blanket
fireun3: April, Teresa, Melissa018
fireun3: April151
fireun3: Aunt Dale and Mom141
fireun3: Christmas fun time125
fireun3: Cousins and Grandma103
fireun3: cousins and grandma115
fireun3: cousins113
fireun3: cousins117
fireun3: Dad, April, and Teresa150