d.o.c. martin: plateau
d.o.c. martin: shortly after being able to distinguish a white from a black thread
d.o.c. martin: almost awake
d.o.c. martin: pine and moon
d.o.c. martin: lines of trees
d.o.c. martin: Am Schlossberg
d.o.c. martin: ahorn/maple
d.o.c. martin: Fichten
d.o.c. martin: mountain beeches
d.o.c. martin: at the tree line
d.o.c. martin: clouds, bushes...
d.o.c. martin: early morn
d.o.c. martin: a relatively simple state of mind
d.o.c. martin: a simple twist of fate
d.o.c. martin: Azalee (Rhododendron, ca. 3x2m)
d.o.c. martin: ink drawing
d.o.c. martin: blizzard in black forest