d.o.c. martin: blood in my eyes (click to enlarge)
d.o.c. martin: Ain't it just like the night to play tricks
d.o.c. martin: Fireplace
d.o.c. martin: Not the end (just remember)
d.o.c. martin: All my friends are drunk
d.o.c. martin: lilies in the water
d.o.c. martin: Schönberg ll
d.o.c. martin: Schönberg lll
d.o.c. martin: Schönberg l
d.o.c. martin: the night blows cold and rainy (click to enlarge)
d.o.c. martin: morning light (click to enlarge)
d.o.c. martin: born by the river
d.o.c. martin: a desolation sunset
d.o.c. martin: All the gold and silver are being stolen away (Bob Dylan)
d.o.c. martin: autumnal meadow
d.o.c. martin: Bergwald ll (click to enlarge)
d.o.c. martin: floating memories, Taubergießen
d.o.c. martin: shore, Taubergießen
d.o.c. martin: surface scratches
d.o.c. martin: when you're waiting for the miracle to come (Leonard Cohen)
d.o.c. martin: whitewater (click to enlarge)
d.o.c. martin: frosty leavings of the summer (click to see details)
d.o.c. martin: water and oil (or natural saponines?)
d.o.c. martin: Caput mortuum (click to see details)
d.o.c. martin: Broken ash tree
d.o.c. martin: Ferreous red stones in a creek (click to enlarge)
d.o.c. martin: watercolours III
d.o.c. martin: Nebelwald
d.o.c. martin: fern - so beautiful colours