d.o.c. martin:
old birch on the river
d.o.c. martin:
cloudy mountains
d.o.c. martin:
d.o.c. martin:
Laughter or love at first sight
d.o.c. martin:
d.o.c. martin:
Teahouse in Pengzhen/Chengdu (click to enlarge)
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d.o.c. martin:
d.o.c. martin:
Rhododendron at Emei shan
d.o.c. martin:
Rhododendron at Emei shan
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Three generations - so lovingly
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Young subtropical wood at Emei shan (click to enlarge)
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Assemblage in Sungpan
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Snow in the grasland of Qinghai
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Taverna Dimotrikos
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Bar in the Taverna (click to enlarge)
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industrial forms 2
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F-shot out of a train
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Taubergießen 1
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playground (click to enlarge)
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Arance dalla Sicilia per bruciore di liquore (click to enlarge)
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(no) future, downstairs (click to enlarge)
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Oriental poppy on a sunday morning in the sunlight, hommage to Balthasar Burkhard , seen in Fotomuseum Winterthur (click to enlarge)
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whitewater (click to enlarge)
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Morning at the Petit Ballon (click to enlarge)
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trees in snowstorm (click to enlarge)
d.o.c. martin:
deadwood (click to enlarge)
d.o.c. martin:
alone on a hill (click to enlarge)
d.o.c. martin: