Marish≈: “E penserò che il tempo addormenta tutto, anche il dolore più grande.”
Marish≈: True perfection has to be imperfect. I know that that sounds foolish but it's true.
Marish≈: Nemo sailing home. Nemo letting go.
Marish≈: Dreamin' Blue
Marish≈: Il paradiso doveva di certo somigliare all’isola d’Elba
Marish≈: Don't you realize that Evil lives in your motherfuckin' skin?
Marish≈: O blessed Shores, where Love, Liberty and Dreams have No Chains.
Marish≈: You make me.
Marish≈: Im Westen nichts Neues.
Marish≈: "Che lavori, fa la tera!"
Marish≈: Patchouli ❤
Marish≈: What about my stache?
Marish≈: Spaces
Marish≈: Deep Red
Marish≈: Downtown
Marish≈: Iris
Marish≈: Easily
Marish≈: Melancholy Cat
Marish≈: Dream Catcher
Marish≈: Don't get me wrong.
Marish≈: Up and away
Marish≈: Oh, whatever!
Marish≈: Pollen
Marish≈: Smooth
Marish≈: I just love rainbows
Marish≈: New Life
Marish≈: Who's there?
Marish≈: Bowl
Marish≈: Photobomber
Marish≈: Cineraria Maritima