Adam's Transport Photography: MV Lord of the Isles departs Mallaig harbour
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Lord of the Isles approaches Armadale, Skye
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Seaforth arrives at Stornaway Harbour
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Seaforth enters Stornoway Harbour
Adam's Transport Photography: Crumbrae ferries pass each other off Largs
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Riddon arrives at Largs
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Shira arrives at Largs
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Argyle arrives at Wemyss Bay
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Riddon crosses Firth of Clyde
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Linnhe and MV Loch Riddon cross the Firth of Clyde
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Linnhe departs Crumbrae Slip
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Seaforth arrives at Stornoway
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Seaforth departs Stornoway
Adam's Transport Photography: Tractors and Ferries at Oban
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Isle of Lewis and MV Courisk sail in Oban Bay
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Isle of Cumbrae departs Cumbrae Slip
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Riddon arrives at Cumbrae Slip
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Alainn stands at Rhubodach slipway
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Seaforth arrives at Ullapool, Highland
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Seaforth passes Arnish Point Lighthouse
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Seaforth arrives at Stornoway, Isle of Lewis
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Seaforth passes Arnish Point Lighthouse
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Seaforth passes Arnish Point Lighthouse
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Hebrides stands at Tarbert Ferry Terminal
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Hebrides reverses out of Tarbert Ferry Terminal
Adam's Transport Photography: MV Loch Portain stands at Leverbrugh Ferry Terminal