scholarerrant: Bad Hair Day
scholarerrant: Mobile Balls of Fluff
scholarerrant: Mallard Moult 1
scholarerrant: Mallard Moult 2
scholarerrant: Duck Profile
scholarerrant: In the 'Hood
scholarerrant: Madame de Pompadour
scholarerrant: Boom Bustard
scholarerrant: He Doesn't Need Color to Show Off
scholarerrant: Are You Still There?
scholarerrant: The Freshest Sushi in Cape May
scholarerrant: Great Egret Profile
scholarerrant: Natural-born Spear Fisherman
scholarerrant: Reflecting Pond
scholarerrant: Regal Hunter
scholarerrant: Hiding in the Long Grass
scholarerrant: Born to be Wild
scholarerrant: Preening Egret
scholarerrant: Snow on the Marsh
scholarerrant: East and West
scholarerrant: Stately Stork
scholarerrant: Fancy Flamingo
scholarerrant: Fluffy Flamingo
scholarerrant: Squabbling Flamingos
scholarerrant: Feeding Flamingo
scholarerrant: Sleeping Flamingo
scholarerrant: Three Way Squabble
scholarerrant: Wild Youth
scholarerrant: Large and In Charge
scholarerrant: Watchful Parents