yinlaihuff: Colfax red barn
yinlaihuff: Wind generators
yinlaihuff: Palouse sunset
yinlaihuff: Balsamroot flowers
yinlaihuff: Contour
yinlaihuff: View from Steptoe Butte
yinlaihuff: Eastern Washington fields
yinlaihuff: Tracks in the field
yinlaihuff: Chevy truck
yinlaihuff: Liberty Theater, Ellensburg
yinlaihuff: Old Texaco station
yinlaihuff: Richfield
yinlaihuff: General Mills grain elevator
yinlaihuff: Trail above the falls
yinlaihuff: Palouse Falls morning
yinlaihuff: Sunrise on the Palouse River
yinlaihuff: Eastern Washington homestead
yinlaihuff: Open door policy
yinlaihuff: Bed springs in the hall
yinlaihuff: Abandoned garage
yinlaihuff: Another washtub shot
yinlaihuff: Govan School front
yinlaihuff: Govan school entry
yinlaihuff: Grain elevators
yinlaihuff: Open door policy
yinlaihuff: Back door and windmill
yinlaihuff: Govan school building
yinlaihuff: Abandoned in Govan
yinlaihuff: Truck in the field
yinlaihuff: Grain storage