damdiv: Waiting for the moon...
damdiv: two leaves in the moss, night-time
damdiv: lonely mushie
damdiv: taken at night in Kooyoora Park.
damdiv: the end a long tree trunk extended over the pool and reflected the torchlight..
damdiv: side view
damdiv: with no moon, I got bored and started playing around..
damdiv: ...I had walked a long way in the dark to get here..
damdiv: ..so I made use of the dark..
damdiv: no moon yet..so to fill in the time, play around with lights..
damdiv: snail?
damdiv: the back road called Back Road...
damdiv: sundews
damdiv: ...sundew in flower..
damdiv: i like these little flowers..
damdiv: like them a lot..
damdiv: maybe too much..
damdiv: a group of sundews
damdiv: cute mushies..