pongboy: Green Snake (Philothamnus sp)
pongboy: Berg adder (Bitis atropis unicolor)
pongboy: Cape File Snake (Mehelya capensis)
pongboy: Bitis arietans (Puff adder)
pongboy: Atractaspis with eggs
pongboy: Brown water snake
pongboy: B gabonica Gaboon adder
pongboy: Green Water Snake P. hoplogaster
pongboy: Bitis atropos - Berg Adder
pongboy: Spotted house snake
pongboy: Cape Centipede Eater (Aparallactus capensis)
pongboy: Megatyphlops schlegelii
pongboy: Herald Snake Striking (Crotaphopeltis hotemboea)
pongboy: Snouted Night Adder (Causus defilipe)
pongboy: Boomslang (South African Tree snake) Dispholidus typus
pongboy: Purple Glossed Snake
pongboy: pgs 088 Purple Glossed Snake
pongboy: Purple Glossed Snake Amblyodipsas polylepis
pongboy: Mole snake close up
pongboy: Black Mamba Close Up
pongboy: African Black Mamba 2
pongboy: African Black Mamba 1
pongboy: David playing with a Puff Adder
pongboy: Can you see them...(best viewed large)
pongboy: David chasing a Cobra..
pongboy: Be Careful (best viewed large to see the snake properly..)
pongboy: Gotcha...(This is sk8er_dm on flickr)
pongboy: Egyptian Cobra (Naja annulifera)
pongboy: Friendly but deadly (Bitis Arietans)
pongboy: Mz Hluhluwe Snakes