Write Pics: Garrison Center/Day armory
Write Pics: Garrison Center
Write Pics: Split pine tree outside McBrian Hall
Write Pics: McBrian Hall
Write Pics: Science Building
Write Pics: Garden by the Library by Mooney
Write Pics: Fish pond/Mooney hall in the background
Write Pics: Fish pond garden
Write Pics: Arkansas Hall in the background.
Write Pics: Old bell that used to be in the old main building
Write Pics: Campus with the library in the background
Write Pics: The Centurium marking 100 years
Write Pics: McBrian Hall in the background
Write Pics: Vietnam War memorial
Write Pics: Smith dorm, the main girls dorm
Write Pics: Artwork outside of Russel Fine Arts building
Write Pics: Another artwork outside of the fine arts building
Write Pics: McElhannon, the back of the science building
Write Pics: Mall on campus
Write Pics: Science Building- back
Write Pics: Mall on campus
Write Pics: HSU Band 2006
Write Pics: HSU Band 2006
Write Pics: HSU Band 2006
Write Pics: Fountain view
Write Pics: Garrison Center, HSU
Write Pics: McBrian Hall, HSU
Write Pics: HSU Marching Band
Write Pics: HSU Ton O Tuba
Write Pics: HSU Band and flags