LesD's pics: BCF 802, Austin K4/CXB, Plaxton, Beestons, P1120897
LesD's pics: BCF 802, Austin K4/CXB, Plaxton, Beestons P1120698
LesD's pics: BCF 802, Austin K4/CXB, Plaxton, Beestons P1130017
LesD's pics: 866 HAL, AEC, Plaxton, Barton 866, P1120825
LesD's pics: 866 HAL, AEC, Plaxton, Barton 866, P1120899
LesD's pics: 866 HAL, AEC, Plaxton, Barton 866, P1120907
LesD's pics: YX65 ZHP, Volvo, Plaxton, Trent Barton 85, P1120910
LesD's pics: YX17 NTL, AD, Trent 110, Mango, P1120909
LesD's pics: YX17 NTJ, AD, Trent 111, Mainline, P1120828
LesD's pics: YX17 NTJ, AD, Trent 111, Mainline, P1120908
LesD's pics: H6 UHL, VDL, Plaxton, Centrebus 747, P1120834
LesD's pics: H6 UHL, VDL, Plaxton, Centrebus 747 P1120912
LesD's pics: W412 DOE, Volvo, Plaxton, Vamooz, Smiths 4120, P1120914
LesD's pics: XOI 105, GH Watts, P1120803
LesD's pics: XOI 105, GH Watts, P1120804
LesD's pics: YX17 OGT, Volvo. Plaxton, Fowler, P1120818
LesD's pics: YX17 OGT, Volvo. Plaxton, Fowler P1120819
LesD's pics: RJI 6617, Scania, Plaxton, Provence, P1120702
LesD's pics: RJI 6617, Scania, Plaxton, Provence, P1120916
LesD's pics: C262 GUH, Leyland, Plaxton, National Welsh XC1262, P1120918
LesD's pics: DAZ 3294, Leyland, Plaxton, United 1309, National, P1120919
LesD's pics: H24 JMJ, Leyland, Plaxton, Walters, Brents, P1120852
LesD's pics: H24 JMJ, Leyland, Plaxton, Walters, Brents P1120921
LesD's pics: A838 PPP, Bedford, Plaxton, Turner Bros, Armchair of Brentford, P1120802
LesD's pics: A838 PPP, Bedford, Plaxton, Turner Bros, Armchair of Brentford, P1120922
LesD's pics: HRY 698V, Bedford, Plaxton, King of the Road, P1120923
LesD's pics: FAH 275Y, Volvo, Plaxton, Peelings, Smith, P1120798
LesD's pics: R77 MCY, Volvo, Plaxton, McAvoy, P1120842
LesD's pics: SAC 500, Volvo, Plaxton, Thornes 136, P1120924
LesD's pics: YX17 OGZ, Volvo, Plaxton, Thornes, P1120925