sandysroutesandshoots: Alan Massie, 2000
sandysroutesandshoots: Alan Petitt, 1998 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Alasdair Ferguson and Fiona Ross at Acharacle, 2001 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Alec Cowie and Richard Iley at Corpach, 2001 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Alex Cowie and Richard Iley, 2001 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Andrew and Marilyn Strachan, 2002 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Angus MacRae, Neptune's Staircase, 1998 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Ann, Colin and Keith Pettinger, 1995 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Anne MacRae, Caol, at 95 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Ardnamurchan Quinquennial Team, 2001: Duncan Gordon. Chris Smart, Douglas MacKeddie, Kenny Smith & James Cameron (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Babs MacKenzie and Jenny MacPhee, 2001 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: BBQ at Fassfern with John MacLeod and Alan Massie, 1999 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: BBQ at Fassfern, 1997, Alan Massie (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: BBQ at Keith and Ann Pettinger's, 1997 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: BBQ Walk at Fassfern with Alan Massie, John MacLeod and Calum Graham, 1999 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Betty Sinclair and Mary MacLean, 1998 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Bill Gilvear, Corpach, 1995 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Blythswood Auction Arisaig with Isabel and Ewan Campbell 1995 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Blythswood Auction at Arisaig, 1995 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Bunty Kirsop and Isobel Adams, Blythswood Shop, Caol, 2001 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Bunty Kirsop, Blythswood Shop, Caol, 2001 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Catriona Nicolson with Colleage in Blythswood Shop, Caol, 2001 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Catriona Nicolson with Ian and Annie MacIntosh, 1998 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Christine, John and Karen MacLeod, 1996 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Colin MacLeod, 2001 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Colin Morison, 1999 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Communion FellowshKilmallie Fellowship with David MacPherson, 1998 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Craig and Ishbel Murray, 2000 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Craig and Ishbel Murray, 2002 (T)
sandysroutesandshoots: Craig Murray, 2000