adventures_with_martin: Red Cedar 5' dbh
adventures_with_martin: Entrance to Teal Slough
adventures_with_martin: Entrance to Teal Slough
adventures_with_martin: Entrance to Teal Slough
adventures_with_martin: Oregon Beak Moss with Rough Moss, (?)
adventures_with_martin: Claopodium crispifolium
adventures_with_martin: Oregon Beak Moss and Fan Moss
adventures_with_martin: Roadside Rock Moss, Racomitrium lanuginosum
adventures_with_martin: Ring Pellia, Pellia neesiana Liverwort
adventures_with_martin: Ring Pellia, Pellia neesiana Liverwort
adventures_with_martin: Ring Pellia, Pellia neesiana Liverwort
adventures_with_martin: Ring Pellia, Pellia neesiana Liverwort
adventures_with_martin: Ring Pellia, Pellia neesiana Liverwort
adventures_with_martin: Lanky Moss, Rhytidiadelphus loreus
adventures_with_martin: Oregon Beak Moss, Kindbergia oregana
adventures_with_martin: Teal Slough Hike
adventures_with_martin: Teal Slough Hike
adventures_with_martin: Oregon Beak Moss, Kindbergia oregana
adventures_with_martin: Oregon Beak Moss, Kindbergia oregana
adventures_with_martin: Western Hemlock embraced by Western Red Cedar
adventures_with_martin: A Dicranum Moss
adventures_with_martin: Broom Moss and Lanky moss
adventures_with_martin: a Dicranum moss
adventures_with_martin: a Dicranum moss
adventures_with_martin: Cladonia bellidiflora
adventures_with_martin: Western Hemlock Growing on Western Red Cedar
adventures_with_martin: Piggy-Back Moss, Hylocomium splendens
adventures_with_martin: Western Red Cedar, Thuja plicata
adventures_with_martin: Western Red Cedar, Thuja plicata
adventures_with_martin: Teal Slough Hike