adventures_with_martin: Route to Marcus Peak
adventures_with_martin: Tower above Dick Lake
adventures_with_martin: Sourdough Ridge South of Marcus Peak
adventures_with_martin: Moon near Marcus Peak
adventures_with_martin: Receding Lake shore of Upper Palisade Lake
adventures_with_martin: More Broken Layers in the White River Stock
adventures_with_martin: Columns above Hidden Lake
adventures_with_martin: Larger view of Andesite Columns above Hidden Lake
adventures_with_martin: Ripple Circles combine to form a larger circle
adventures_with_martin: Abstract caused by light being bent by ripples on the lake
adventures_with_martin: Andesite Columns
adventures_with_martin: Ridge with Crags
adventures_with_martin: One Lava Flow over another
adventures_with_martin: Ridge End and Crag
adventures_with_martin: Broken intruded rock in the White River Stock
adventures_with_martin: Sills with broken layer of the intruded rock
adventures_with_martin: Crag above Hidden Lake
adventures_with_martin: Mt Adams and a forest fire behind Tamanos
adventures_with_martin: Spider dragging a fly with him.
adventures_with_martin: Salamander Eggs?
adventures_with_martin: Salamander Eggs?
adventures_with_martin: Texture of the back of some beetle