adventures_with_martin: Barnacle encrusted limpets
adventures_with_martin: Tracks, Otter or Raccoon
adventures_with_martin: Tracks, Otter or Raccoon
adventures_with_martin: unknown tracks
adventures_with_martin: Did he ingest a crab or just a molt?
adventures_with_martin: Monterey Dorid
adventures_with_martin: Giant Green Anenome
adventures_with_martin: Giant Green Anenome
adventures_with_martin: Giant Green Anenome
adventures_with_martin: Anemone, Stars and Cucumber
adventures_with_martin: Giant Green Anenome
adventures_with_martin: Giant Green Anenome
adventures_with_martin: Healthy Star population
adventures_with_martin: Different Molusks
adventures_with_martin: Pisaster BFFs
adventures_with_martin: Feather Boa Kelp - Egregia menziesli
adventures_with_martin: Bread Crumb Sponge Halochondria panicea
adventures_with_martin: Mating Monterey Dorids Archidoris montereyensis
adventures_with_martin: Lined Chiton - Tonicella lineata
adventures_with_martin: Colonial Tunicates and Bryzoan Colonies
adventures_with_martin: Six-rayed Star - Leptasterias hexactis
adventures_with_martin: Purple Encrusting Sponge
adventures_with_martin: Winged Kelp - Alaria Marginata
adventures_with_martin: Tunicates, Anenomes and Bryzoan
adventures_with_martin: Hermit Crab in Worn Shell
adventures_with_martin: Dire Welk - Lirabuccinum dirum