chrisgandy2001: Honey and Mum
chrisgandy2001: Honey and Mum
chrisgandy2001: Honey, Jess and Henry
chrisgandy2001: Honey (lying) and Henry (standing)
chrisgandy2001: Andy with Henry (Springer)
chrisgandy2001: Roly and Poppy + Mums
chrisgandy2001: Jason with Lilly and Dizzy
chrisgandy2001: Amy and Jason with Jess, Dizzy and Lilly
chrisgandy2001: Jane and Poppy (springer)
chrisgandy2001: Benji and Niki
chrisgandy2001: Benji and Niki
chrisgandy2001: Best Veteran prizes (Dinks won)
chrisgandy2001: Dinks and Winston
chrisgandy2001: Lots of Springers!
chrisgandy2001: Hannah and Stanley (Cocker)
chrisgandy2001: Peter and Murphy (Springer)
chrisgandy2001: Winners of Best Rescue
chrisgandy2001: IMG_5796
chrisgandy2001: Waggiest Tail winners (Roly won)
chrisgandy2001: Kate and Bailey (Springer)
chrisgandy2001: Lilly, Honey and Bailey (Best bitches - Bailey won)
chrisgandy2001: Henry, Benji and Stanley (Best dog - Benji won)
chrisgandy2001: IMG_5840