Wolfgang's digital photography: Eisgebilde / Ice formations
Wolfgang's digital photography: Graureiher in der Morgensonne
Wolfgang's digital photography: Schilfgras / Reed grass
Wolfgang's digital photography: Schilfrohrkolben / Reed flasks
Wolfgang's digital photography: Drüsige Kugeldistel / Glandular ball thistle
Wolfgang's digital photography: Vogelbeeren / Rowanberry
Wolfgang's digital photography: Graureiher: "Der andere Platz war besser..."
Wolfgang's digital photography: Graureiher: "Da fliege ich direkt wieder hin"
Wolfgang's digital photography: Felsentor in der Schwarzachklamm
Wolfgang's digital photography: Gustav Adolf Höhle
Wolfgang's digital photography: Felsentor an der Schwarzach
Wolfgang's digital photography: Gustav Adolf Höhle in der Schwarzachklamm
Wolfgang's digital photography: In der Schwarzachklamm / In the Schwarzachklamm
Wolfgang's digital photography: Pfannkucheneis / pancake ice
Wolfgang's digital photography: Schwarzachtal - Eispilz
Wolfgang's digital photography: Eiszeit im Schwarzachtal / Ice Age in the Schwarzach Valley
Wolfgang's digital photography: Eiszeit im Schwarzachtal / Ice Age in the Schwarzach Valley
Wolfgang's digital photography: Morgenlicht im Schwarzachtal / Morning light in the Schwarzach Valley
Wolfgang's digital photography: Silberreiher - gut getarnt
Wolfgang's digital photography: Rotkelchen (Erithacus rubecula)
Wolfgang's digital photography: Rotkelchen (Erithacus rubecula)