oysters4me: Mark Spencer's scramble farm eggs, fresh from the roost.
oysters4me: Nash Huber's Thursday Men's Breakfest
oysters4me: Thursday Men's Breakfast
oysters4me: Home canned pears
oysters4me: Bill Sallee's peaches on Paul Hansen's waffles
oysters4me: Bill Sallee's Canned Pears, Paul Hansen's Waffles
oysters4me: Paul Hansen's waffles made from grain and eggs from the farm.
oysters4me: Hash Huber starts the coffee.
oysters4me: Nash Huber, organic farmer
oysters4me: Heirloom apple pie gone before I could take a picture!
oysters4me: Nash and Prissy
oysters4me: Paul Hansen, waffle maker extraordinaire
oysters4me: Jim Schuenamann
oysters4me: Jim Williams brings yogurt and pitches in on dishes.
oysters4me: Ron Thompson, Dish washer on Thursday morning
oysters4me: John Webb brings extra things like muffin and coffee cake.
oysters4me: Mark Spencer cooks the scrambled eggs.
oysters4me: Bill Sallee, brings a quart of homegrown, home canned fruit every week.
oysters4me: Free range
oysters4me: Nash Huber, organic farmer
oysters4me: Contented pigs dining on whey.
oysters4me: Good morning.
oysters4me: Nash Huber, organic farmer