Ariel.Kaos: wossit closet
Ariel.Kaos: Buster Bo Bear so there
Ariel.Kaos: The end of her rope.
Ariel.Kaos: alfred hitchcock isn't afraid of my backyard
Ariel.Kaos: are you getting sick of birds yet?
Ariel.Kaos: Lord Ichigo
Ariel.Kaos: we built this kitty
Ariel.Kaos: depravity is a hitckcock flick
Ariel.Kaos: Auntie Mame has gone insane
Ariel.Kaos: D I E D
Ariel.Kaos: madame
Ariel.Kaos: they've been lying to him...
Ariel.Kaos: Nine of Coins: Reversed
Ariel.Kaos: rewind
Ariel.Kaos: chomp
Ariel.Kaos: PUPPY
Ariel.Kaos: Ariel on Sober + an Exceptionally Cute Puppy
Ariel.Kaos: [ \/ | \_ ]
Ariel.Kaos: And I thought it was just another fish story...
Ariel.Kaos: The agony and the irony
Ariel.Kaos: tighty spidey
Ariel.Kaos: and then I shmushed him.
Ariel.Kaos: Playboy