jcodudeortiz: Angels
jcodudeortiz: Day 4/365 Flowers
jcodudeortiz: Day 10/365 Claim your prize!
jcodudeortiz: Day 16/365 Dinner is almost ready.
jcodudeortiz: Day 21/365 And so it begins....
jcodudeortiz: Day 31/365 hmmmm...
jcodudeortiz: Day 36/2010 "...and I thought: Hey..."
jcodudeortiz: Day 40/365 Got Milk?
jcodudeortiz: Day 49/365 Passing by...
jcodudeortiz: Day 50/365 Switchfoot
jcodudeortiz: abandonkansas5
jcodudeortiz: Day 65/365 "Come When I Call"
jcodudeortiz: Day 66/365 Beam me up!
jcodudeortiz: Day 69/365 Leaves...falling?
jcodudeortiz: Day 71/365 Green Carpet
jcodudeortiz: Day 73/365 Where does time go?
jcodudeortiz: Day 75/365 I'm Ready to Travel
jcodudeortiz: Day 76/365 "God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars."
jcodudeortiz: Day 81/365 Happy Bench Monday?
jcodudeortiz: Day 83/365 Light at the end of the Hallway
jcodudeortiz: Day 85/365 Friday Night
jcodudeortiz: Day 86/365 Jump!
jcodudeortiz: Day 87/365 Sky... is beautiful
jcodudeortiz: Day 88/365 Moon Lighting.
jcodudeortiz: Christmas JUMP
jcodudeortiz: Day 96/365 Gotta have it
jcodudeortiz: Day 97/365 Storm....
jcodudeortiz: Day 99/365 Hoop Dreams
jcodudeortiz: chair 2
jcodudeortiz: Day 108/365 Long Black Train