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Light of My Life.
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21 Sep '43
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Starting 23 Good Years
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Eynhallow Sound
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Eynhallow, 6am in June
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Eynhallow Seapinks & Blackbacks
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Old Orcadian House
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North rocks
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Westerly gale in the Bay of Skaill
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Skaill wind
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Lunchbreak on the Harray shore
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Birsay boat and Brough, and then the far "Nor'- Wast"
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Ramnageo spray
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Frosty afternoon
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Castle of Yesnaby
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Westerly in Yesnaby
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Birsay Bay
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Marwick Head
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Just passing by.
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Get off my turf !
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Day's end and Homeward Bound
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"That's close enough"
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Flurry of Kittiwakes
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Hi ! Ain't life grand ?
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Caron's Rose with Bee
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Lilly among Clouds
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Summer's last gasp - a year later