neilpeach: This is Stafford, This is Stafford...
neilpeach: Marston Road ruin
neilpeach: Boxers
neilpeach: This is Birmingham New Street
neilpeach: Melox Marvels
neilpeach: On the way to the Custard Factory
neilpeach: Green Man? Green Man? Helping us the best he can?
neilpeach: The Crown
neilpeach: The crown of the Crown
neilpeach: Peering in, nose pressed against the window...
neilpeach: W Hawkes Ltd metalworkers
neilpeach: Outside the next pub along from the last one...
neilpeach: Inside but still outside the next pub along from the last one...
neilpeach: Cobalt on Ochre
neilpeach: And the winner of the most architecturally Italianate car garage is...
neilpeach: Smithfield Garage 1923
neilpeach: Smithfield Garage: the oldest bit
neilpeach: Smithfield Garage: the 50s bit
neilpeach: Forty8
neilpeach: Letter Box
neilpeach: Square Shades
neilpeach: Birmingham New Street again
neilpeach: Nativity Scene by Bonifazio di Patate
neilpeach: Up the garden path
neilpeach: Looking back to me mum's house
neilpeach: The ever-expanding veggie patch
neilpeach: The circular bit in the middle