nwlilac: Flight 93 Memorial
nwlilac: Flight 93 Memorial
nwlilac: I thought of Alice Hoagland. I believe she and Mark have been reunited.
nwlilac: Flight 93 Memorial
nwlilac: The impact spot
nwlilac: Flight 93 Memorial
nwlilac: Flight 93 Memorial
nwlilac: Flight 93 Memorial - these benches are in the shape of a wing.
nwlilac: Flight 93 Memorial
nwlilac: The impact spot from another angle
nwlilac: A common field one day. A field of honor forever.
nwlilac: Flight 93 Memorial
nwlilac: Tower of Voices wind chime
nwlilac: Tower of Voices wind chime
nwlilac: IMG_6810
nwlilac: Comfort dinner afterward