sbw nhw: Centaurus & Scorpius
sbw nhw: Centaurus & Scorpius - revealed
sbw nhw: Crux - revealed
sbw nhw: Crux, the Southern Cross
sbw nhw: The Teapot - Revealed
sbw nhw: The Teapot in Sagittarius
sbw nhw: Orion - Revealed
sbw nhw: Orion
sbw nhw: Canis Major
sbw nhw: Canis Major revealed
sbw nhw: Carina Puppis Vela
sbw nhw: Moon 26 Jul 2015 Waxing Gibbous 73% illuminated (Handheld)
sbw nhw: Moon 30 July 2015 waxing Gibbous 99% illuminated