looper23: 171725, Rye
looper23: 171724, Rye
looper23: Lydd Catholic Church
looper23: All Saints’ Church, Lydd
looper23: former Rising Sun pub, Lydd
looper23: Lydd Telephone Exchange
looper23: Lydd Telephone Exchange
looper23: All Saints’ Church, Lydd
looper23: the former Galleon pub, Lydd
looper23: the temperature in Lydd
looper23: Lydd Town Hall
looper23: The George Hotel, Lydd
looper23: the former Galleon pub, Lydd
looper23: the former Star pub, Lydd
looper23: electricity substation? Lydd
looper23: the road to Dungeness
looper23: at The Pilot
looper23: Pilot fish
looper23: RH&DR, Lydd-on-Sea
looper23: site of former Lydd-on-Sea station and track alignment
looper23: site of former Lydd-on-Sea station and track alignment
looper23: site of former Lydd-on-Sea station and track alignment
looper23: the Spirit of Rory Gallagher, Dungeness
looper23: welcome to Dungeness
looper23: welcome to Lydd-on-Sea
looper23: Dungeness
looper23: remains, Dungeness
looper23: Dungeness
looper23: Derek Jarman’s Prospect Cottage, Dungeness
looper23: Derek Jarman’s Prospect Cottage, Dungeness