looper23: FlatIron Building, NYC
looper23: FlatIron Building, NYC
looper23: Empire State Building, NYC
looper23: Empire State Building, NYC
looper23: Lower Manhattan from the 102nd floor, Empire State Building, NYC
looper23: looking north from the 102nd floor, Empire State Building, NYC
looper23: Chrysler Building from the 102nd floor, Empire State Building, NYC
looper23: New York City, from the 102nd floor, Empire State Building, NYC
looper23: pigeon, observation deck, 86th floor, Empire State Building, NYC
looper23: the very top, from the 86th floor, Empire State Building, NYC
looper23: from the observation deck, 86th floor, Empire State Building, NYC
looper23: observation deck, 86th floor, Empire State Building, NYC
looper23: business elevators, Empire State Building, NYC
looper23: business elevators, Empire State Building, NYC
looper23: the Woolworth Building, NYC
looper23: the Woolworth Building, NYC
looper23: Ground Zero, NYC
looper23: lower Manhattan from the Brooklyn Bridge, NYC
looper23: Brooklyn Bridge, NYC
looper23: Times Square, NYC
looper23: The Chrysler Building, NYC
looper23: The Chrysler Building, NYC
looper23: The Chrysler Building, NYC
looper23: Chrysler Building, NYC
looper23: The Chrysler Building, NYC
looper23: Manhattan from the Rockefeller Center NYC
looper23: Manhattan from the Rockefeller Center NYC
looper23: Manhattan from the Rockefeller Center, NYC
looper23: looking out, The Rockefeller Centre, NYC
looper23: The Rockefeller Centre, NYC