dunedubois: The Space Between Us Series ~~ Warped Time
dunedubois: The Space Between Us Series ~~ "I'm one half of a two piece puzzle." ~ Charles Martin
dunedubois: The Space Between Us Series ~~ "Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along." Rumi
dunedubois: The Space Between Us Series ~~ "Behind your image, below your words, above your thoughts, the silence of another world waits." ~~ John O'Donohue
dunedubois: The Space Between Us Series ~~ The world of spirit is subtle and concealed.
dunedubois: The Space Between Us Series ~~ "And lovers think different thoughts while lying side by side." Maya Angelou
dunedubois: The Space Between Us Series ~~ Time Has A Secret Structure
dunedubois: The Space Between Us Series ~~ I Have Fallen Out With Someone
dunedubois: The Space Between Us Series ~~ Peaks and Valleys
dunedubois: The Space Between Us Series ~~ Sheltering Wall