nickphoto21: Black rhinocerous, Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: Black rhinocerous, Maasai Mara, 1984, complete with oxpecker bird.
nickphoto21: Black rhinocerous Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: Elephants have found some swampy ground, Maasai Mara 1984, whilst antelope and wildebeest graze on the open plains.
nickphoto21: Red (?) Duiker, Maasai Mara, Kenya, 1984
nickphoto21: Black rhinocerous, Maasai Mara, Kenya, (complete with an oxpecker bird).
nickphoto21: Black rhinocerous Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: Black rhinocerous Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: Warthog, Maasai Mara 1984. What's it doing on its knees?
nickphoto21: Wildebeest Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: Wildebeest Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: The wildebeest look at the Mara river they have to cross for their migration from the Serengeti to the Maasai Mara in1984
nickphoto21: A run of wildebeest starts along the Mara river bank in 1984
nickphoto21: The run then becomes a stampede of wildebeest along the Mara river in 1984
nickphoto21: Some of the herd of wildebeest leave the Mara river in 1984
nickphoto21: A hippopotamus sits along the Mara river in 1984
nickphoto21: A pride of lions, Maasai Mara, Kenya, 1984
nickphoto21: A lioness looks out for a meal, Maasai Mara, 1984
nickphoto21: She's looking at this grazing herd of wildebeest, Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: Ready for action, Maasai Mara, 1984
nickphoto21: The hunt commences. Two lionesses have separated a wildebeest and given chase whilst the lioness on the left goes to head it off. Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: The lionesses bring down the wildebeest, Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: The wildebeest goes down, Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: Death of a wildebeest, Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: Death of a wildebeest, Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: A grasp around the throat strangulates the wildebeest, Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: Lionesses commence to open the wildebeeste, Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: The lionesses soon feed, Maasai Mara, 1984
nickphoto21: Death in the Maasai Mara 1984
nickphoto21: The lionesses get first choice, Maasai Mara, 1984