VB31Photo: Pond life. Great crested grebe. Lac Lamartine / Roques sur Garonne, Haute Garonne, France
VB31Photo: Pond life. Ducks in the mist. Lac Lamartine / Roques sur Garonne, Haute Garonne, France
VB31Photo: Curious jay (XL)
VB31Photo: The Kiss
VB31Photo: Pond life. Walking on water. Lac Lamartine, Roques, Haute Garonne, France.
VB31Photo: Caterpillar for breakfast
VB31Photo: Wild Pheasant
VB31Photo: Rouge-gorge / European robin (Erithacus rubecula)
VB31Photo: Tango in Camargue
VB31Photo: Freedom
VB31Photo: Goeland argenté (Larus argentatus)
VB31Photo: Flamant rose. Camargue.
VB31Photo: Flamant rose. Camargue.
VB31Photo: Camargue
VB31Photo: Pond life. Young grey heron - Héron cendré juvénile (Ardea cinerea) - Lac Lamartine / Roques sur Garonne, Haute Garonne, France
VB31Photo: Pond life. Young grey heron. Lac Lamartine, Roques sur Garonne, Haute Garonne, France
VB31Photo: Adour
VB31Photo: Legs and neck demo. Camargue.
VB31Photo: Freedom. Camargue
VB31Photo: Camargue
VB31Photo: Camargue
VB31Photo: Silver eye. Adour.
VB31Photo: Camargue
VB31Photo: Camargue
VB31Photo: Camargue.
VB31Photo: Camargue
VB31Photo: Pyrénées : red crossed bill / Bec croisé des sapins
VB31Photo: Camargue
VB31Photo: Adour
VB31Photo: Pyrénées