Twoteas2: Spider probably Eratigena duellica
Twoteas2: Think this is Drassodes cupreus, not really a house spider
Twoteas2: I think this is Drassodes cupreus
Twoteas2: Orb Weaver Spider - maybe Zygiella x-notata?
Twoteas2: Sheetweb spider - Megalepthyphantes nebulosus?
Twoteas2: Wasp Spider - Argiope bruennichi
Twoteas2: Wasp spider - Argiope bruennichi
Twoteas2: Micro Spider and Carpet Beetle larva (Anthrenus verbasci)
Twoteas2: Micro Spider and Carpet Beetle larva (Anthrenus verbasci)
Twoteas2: Micro Spider and Carpet Beetle larva (Anthrenus verbasci)
Twoteas2: Micro Spider and Carpet Beetle larva (Anthrenus verbasci)
Twoteas2: Micro Spider and Carpet Beetle larva (Anthrenus verbasci)
Twoteas2: Orb Weaver Spider - Zilla diodia
Twoteas2: Orb Weaver Spider
Twoteas2: Spider Enoplognatha ovata and Red Soldier Beetle Rhagonycha fulva
Twoteas2: Spider Enoplognatha ovata and Red Soldier Beetle Rhagonycha fulva
Twoteas2: Spider Enoplognatha ovata and Red Soldier Beetle Rhagonycha fulva
Twoteas2: Spider Enoplognatha ovata and Red Soldier Beetle Rhagonycha fulva
Twoteas2: Spider - Pisaura mirabilis
Twoteas2: Steatoda nobilis - False Widow Spider
Twoteas2: Zebra Jumping Spider - Salticus scenicus
Twoteas2: Zebra Jumping Spider - Salticus scenicus
Twoteas2: Zebra Jumping Spider - Salticus scenicus
Twoteas2: Maybe Pardosa prativaga - Spotted Wolf Spider
Twoteas2: Lace Weaver Spider - Amaurobius similis
Twoteas2: Lace Weaver Spider - Amaurobius similis
Twoteas2: Lace Weaver Spider - Amaurobius similis
Twoteas2: Spider - Leiobunum rotundum (European Harvestman)
Twoteas2: Maybe Pardosa hortensis - female? One of the Wolf Spiders
Twoteas2: Misumena vatia (Flower Spider)