Twoteas2: Coal Tit
Twoteas2: Bank Vole
Twoteas2: Bullfinch - male
Twoteas2: Bullfinch - male
Twoteas2: Blackbird - female
Twoteas2: Dunnock
Twoteas2: Collared Dove
Twoteas2: Collared Dove
Twoteas2: Bullfinch - female
Twoteas2: Greenfinch
Twoteas2: Wood Pigeon
Twoteas2: Hoverfly - Sphaerophoria (maybe rueppellii)
Twoteas2: Hoverfly - Scaeva - is it albomaculata?
Twoteas2: Field Mouse / Wood Mouse - Apodemus sylvaticus
Twoteas2: Field Mouse / Wood Mouse - Apodemus sylvaticus
Twoteas2: Goldfinch in the rain
Twoteas2: House Sparrow feeding chick in the rain
Twoteas2: Red Mason Bee
Twoteas2: Young Wood pigeon
Twoteas2: Probably Tremella mesenterica - Yellow Brain Fungus
Twoteas2: Nuthatch
Twoteas2: Robin
Twoteas2: Gadwall - Male
Twoteas2: Wren
Twoteas2: Dunnock
Twoteas2: Gadwall
Twoteas2: new label - Pink snowberry not spindle
Twoteas2: Purple Toadflax
Twoteas2: Song Thrush
Twoteas2: Cold Sparrow