Twoteas2: Leptura quadrifasciata - Four-banded Longhorn beetle
Twoteas2: Pintail Beetle - Variimorda villosa
Twoteas2: Spider Enoplognatha ovata and Red Soldier Beetle Rhagonycha fulva
Twoteas2: Harlequin ladybird - Harmonia axyridis
Twoteas2: Weevil - Anthonomus rubi?
Twoteas2: Thick-Legged Beetle, also known as the False Oil Beetle - Oedemera nobilis
Twoteas2: Thick-Legged Beetle, also known as the False Oil Beetle - Oedemera nobilis
Twoteas2: new label: Agelastica alni - alder leaf beetle
Twoteas2: Looks a bit like Phryno Vetula a Tachinid fly
Twoteas2: Thick-legged Flower Beetle (female) Oedemera nobilis
Twoteas2: Ladybird Lava - 7 spot?
Twoteas2: Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn Beetle
Twoteas2: Golden-bloomed Grey Longhorn Beetle
Twoteas2: Ground Beetle
Twoteas2: Red-headed Cardinal Beetle - Pyrochroa serraticornis
Twoteas2: Green Tiger Beetle - Cicindela sylvatica Linnaeus
Twoteas2: Ground Beetle - Pterostichus melanarius?
Twoteas2: Lady Bird - Halyzia sedecimguttata
Twoteas2: 22-spot Ladybird - Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata
Twoteas2: Mating Red Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva)
Twoteas2: Another Rose Chafer - Cetonia aurata
Twoteas2: 2- spot ladybird - Adalia bipunctata
Twoteas2: Thick-legged Beetle - Oedemeridae nobilis
Twoteas2: Sailor Beetle - Cantharis Rustica
Twoteas2: Minotaur Beetle - male - Typhaeus typhoeus
Twoteas2: Rose Chafer - Cetonia aurata
Twoteas2: Click Beetle - Agrypnus murinus?
Twoteas2: Click Beetle - Adelocera murin
Twoteas2: Harlequin Ladybird
Twoteas2: Harlequin or 24 spot ladybird?