Twoteas2: Bluebell spears
Twoteas2: Field Maple
Twoteas2: Field Maple 1
Twoteas2: Maize crop
Twoteas2: Maize crop
Twoteas2: Maize crop
Twoteas2: Fungi - Spectacular Rustgill - Gymnopilus junonius
Twoteas2: Pink cow parsley - Chaerophyllum hirsutum?
Twoteas2: Acorn and knopper galls
Twoteas2: Hazelnut tree
Twoteas2: Bellflower
Twoteas2: Bellflower?
Twoteas2: Dandelion
Twoteas2: Bramble (with Yellow-faced bee)
Twoteas2: Greater Stitchwort
Twoteas2: I think the Geranium is macrorrhizum 'Album'
Twoteas2: I think the Geranium is macrorrhizum 'Album'
Twoteas2: Wood Avens
Twoteas2: Violets
Twoteas2: Flower garden at Warnham Nature Reserve
Twoteas2: Flower garden at Warnham Nature Reserve
Twoteas2: new label - Pink snowberry not spindle
Twoteas2: new label - Pink snowberry not spindle
Twoteas2: new label - Pink snowberry not spindle
Twoteas2: Blue Mason Bee on Meadow Vetchling
Twoteas2: hotlips and bumblebee
Twoteas2: new label - Pink snowberry not spindle
Twoteas2: Purple Toadflax
Twoteas2: Fennel
Twoteas2: Dock