Twoteas2: Osterley to London
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Wild Pear
Twoteas2: Field Cuckoo-bee - Bombus Campestris
Twoteas2: Red-shanked Carder Bee - Bombus Ruderarius
Twoteas2: Tachina
Twoteas2: Tufted Vetch
Twoteas2: Tufted Vetch and tiny Crab Spider
Twoteas2: Small Copper
Twoteas2: 22-spot Ladybird - Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata
Twoteas2: St John's Wort
Twoteas2: Hoverfly - Volucella inanis
Twoteas2: Hoverfly - Volucella inanis
Twoteas2: Wild Damson
Twoteas2: Yellow-legged mining bee (Andrena flavipes) – female
Twoteas2: Heston Farm Estate
Twoteas2: Heston Farm From My Window