tutsu: necklace3threads
tutsu: Fimo stuff
tutsu: Earrings and pendants
tutsu: A pin, pendant and two brooches
tutsu: Tiny felt cake
tutsu: Felt cake 2
tutsu: Cappy Bunny
tutsu: Fruity brooches
tutsu: Chickens in the wild
tutsu: Two handfull of brooches
tutsu: Soon to be earrings
tutsu: Ready to attack
tutsu: Productive weekend
tutsu: New jewelry added to Cornyness Shop
tutsu: Ring
tutsu: Beads and wire
tutsu: Cornyness cards - front
tutsu: Cornyness card - inside
tutsu: Cornyness card - back
tutsu: A cluster of beads
tutsu: Fish pendant
tutsu: Fish and heart pendant
tutsu: Tiny turtle
tutsu: Newly made accessories
tutsu: Of to the US and France
tutsu: My first stamps
tutsu: Robert's stamp
tutsu: Soon to be junkfood earrings
tutsu: V-day card for my parents
tutsu: V-day card for my parents