jimbonzo079: 010_03
Rex, Huang: _MG_2424
★Ethan☆イーサン☆이단☆Этан★: Voigtlander Super Wide-Heliar Aspherical III 15mm f4.5 @ A7R (VM15 III)
freedomflash: Bloomington, IL. 2014.
tcsiew59: Staircase
Jörg Wanderer Photography: Shibuya Station (渋谷駅)
衰尾道人 https://www.behance.net/iamethanlee: Three different scenes in one space.
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Lightning Over China and Taiwan (NASA, International Space Station, 07/27/14)
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: RS-25 fired up for SLS
Wayne Fan: 150108_喝了馬力夯...
Taotzu Chang: [engagement] Leaving the Earth
Taotzu Chang: [prewedding] I will stay with you tonight
Taotzu Chang: [prewedding] Yawn, yawn
Wander 4 Wonder: 夏日正午 Noon in Summertime
Wander 4 Wonder: 走向與離去 Leaving For
Wander 4 Wonder: 北京的天空 Sky above Beijing
Wander 4 Wonder: 微光餘波
Wander 4 Wonder: 被啃蝕後的樣子 Bitten Look
Wander 4 Wonder: 角落的陽光 Sunshine to the corner
bryan...: Shirakawa-go, Gassho-zukuri, Gassho Style, Minka, World Heritage Site, UNESCO, Shirakawa, Shirakawa-mura, Gifu, Japan, 合掌村, 合掌造り, がっしょうづくり, 世界遺產, せかいいさん, 文化遺產, 白川, 白川郷, しらかわごう, 岐阜縣, 岐阜県, ぎふけん, 日本, にっぽん, にほん
keith+jade+eunice: A7R + Contax Distagon T* 2.8/21
Long Tai: 歇 [explore2014/12/27]
CUEISA: Into The Light.
Tramography: selfie
Paulina_77: Light Move Festival, Lodz 2014
Jose Vallejo 67: Reflejos