bdeb50: Sunrise
bdeb50: Evening clouds
bdeb50: early morning mist
bdeb50: Take a drive down a Ga country lane!
bdeb50: A lovely day has come and gone..
bdeb50: Chesapeake Bay Tunnel
bdeb50: L is for large fields of cotton
bdeb50: ship out on the bay
bdeb50: Money in the form of a cotton module.
bdeb50: Fishing pier
bdeb50: The Bay splashing against the rocks.
bdeb50: Sunrise this morning!
bdeb50: Headstone of the grave
bdeb50: Little critters coming out of hibernation! It is good to see the little lizards sunbathing again!
bdeb50: More clouds that dumped rain.
bdeb50: Storm clouds rippling across the sky.
bdeb50: This evening ,the storm going though left with a lovely rainbow pouring out of a cloud.
bdeb50: Sunset the other evening. It had stormed for several hrs, then cleared off beautifully!!
bdeb50: Sunset