bdeb50: life on our little farm!
bdeb50: a little bird , a boy and a dog!
bdeb50: a lovely stray- Molly
bdeb50: our woodpile
bdeb50: the ol' wood stove
bdeb50: the welcome in Ga has been a little icy! :)
bdeb50: an iced pecan tree
bdeb50: one of the roses from Hubby!
bdeb50: I picked some fresh daffodils this morning... and this little critter took a ride in!
bdeb50: snuggles
bdeb50: baby blanket
bdeb50: Ga sunset
bdeb50: Spring hatchlings . This Henny Penny surprised me with this little brood yesterday . I love to watch a hen with her biddies.
bdeb50: Doing loops
bdeb50: Had a shower that rained large rain drops with a little sun shining on them, it was the first time I saw rain so sparkly
bdeb50: Little baby mockingbirds, they just hatched today!! They are nesting in the rose bush along the porch so I have been watching Mom And Dad bird with much delight!!
bdeb50: Where are you Mom? I'm hungry!!
bdeb50: Little birds are growing so fast!! Won't be long until their gone!
bdeb50: Little critters coming out of hibernation! It is good to see the little lizards sunbathing again!