Fred Siskind: DCO61 Double-crested Cormorant with fish, 072924 sig
Fred Siskind: DCO63 Double-crested Cormorant with fish, 072924 sig
Fred Siskind: DCO66 Double-crested Cormorant with fish, 072924 sig
Fred Siskind: DCO71 Double-crested Cormorant with fish, 072924 sig
Fred Siskind: DCO74 Double-crested Cormorant with fish number 2, 072924 sharp sig
Fred Siskind: DIB80 White Ibis juvenile with fish, HMP 072924 levels sig
Fred Siskind: DCP693 Cecropia Moth Caterpillar, HMP 072924 sig
Fred Siskind: DCP692 Cecropia Moth Caterpillar, HMP 072924 levels sig
Fred Siskind: DSB594 Carolina Wren, HMP 042624 sig
Fred Siskind: DSB771 Common Yellowthroat, HMP 042624 light bright cont sig
Fred Siskind: DSB772 Common Yellowthroat, HMP 042624 sig
Fred Siskind: DSH273 Killdeer, HMP 072924 light dark sig
Fred Siskind: DSH375 Greater Yellowlegs, HMP 042624 levels sig
Fred Siskind: DSH374 Greater Yellowlegs, HMP 042624 levels dark sig
Fred Siskind: Whitetail, HMP 081424 light dark sig
Fred Siskind: Northern Pearly Eye, HMP 081424 (4) dark silhouette sig
Fred Siskind: Knapweed, HMP 081224
Fred Siskind: DBU2320 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, HMP 081424 sig
Fred Siskind: Chicory, HMP 081224 sig
Fred Siskind: Buckeye, HMP 081224 sig
Fred Siskind: Basidiomycete Fungi, HMP 081424 bright sig
Fred Siskind: DCP702 Dogbane Saucrobotys Moth Caterpillar, HMP 081224 sig
Fred Siskind: DCP585 Dogwood Sawflies, Macremphytus testaceus, HMP 081224 light sig
Fred Siskind: DDF1822 Big Bluet, HMP 081224 sig
Fred Siskind: DDF990 Familiar Bluet, HMP 081224 sig
Fred Siskind: DIN2096 False Potato Beetle, HMP 081224 sig
Fred Siskind: DBU2401 Zabulon Skipper and Little Glassywing, HMP 081224 bright sig
Fred Siskind: DFL1891 Little Bell Morning Glory, introduced, HMP 090324 sig
Fred Siskind: DIN1210 Florida Predatory Stinkbug, HMP 090324 light sig
Fred Siskind: DBU510 Snowberry Clearwing, HMP 090324 dark less bright sig