Fred Siskind:
DBU2371 Parallel-banded Leafroller Moth, Great Falls 073123 crop sig
Fred Siskind:
DSP382 Orchard Orbweaver, Great Falls 053123 sig
Fred Siskind:
DSP350 Arabesque Orbweaver, Great Falls 073123 crop sig
Fred Siskind:
DSP19 American Nursery Web Spider, Great Falls 080823 sig
Fred Siskind:
Din2041 Green Cone-headed Planthopper, Great Falls 080823 rotate sig
Fred Siskind:
DIN2035 Bald-faced Hornet, Great Falls 070523 levels light sig
Fred Siskind:
DIN2021 Yellow-striped Leafhopper, Great Falls 053123 crop sig
Fred Siskind:
DIN2012 Assassin bug, Great Falls 080823 crop sig
Fred Siskind:
DIN1772 North American Wheel Bug, Great Falls 072023 clone sig
Fred Siskind:
DIN540 Six-spotted Tiger Beetle, Great Falls 073123 light dark sig
Fred Siskind:
DFR126 Spring Peeper, Great Falls 080523 less bright sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF2083 Cobra Clubtail, Great Falls 052123 crop sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF2026 Common Whitetail, Great Falls 073123 sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF2025 Common Whitetail, Great Falls 072023 sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF1700 Powdered Dancer, Great Falls 080523 sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF1699 Powdered Dancer, female, Great Falls 080523 sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF1698 Powdered Dancer, Great Falls 073123 crop sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF1473 Fragile Forktail, Great Falls 080523 sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF1472 Fragile Forktail, Great Falls 080823 sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF988 Familiar Bluet, Great Falls 080823 sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF887 Blue-fronted Dancer, Great Falls 072023 crop sharp sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF886 Blue-fronted Dancer, Great Falls 072023 light dark crop sig
Fred Siskind:
DBU2381 Confused Eusarca Moth, Great Falls 053123 sig
Fred Siskind:
DFL1696 Blue Phlox, Great Falls 041223 sig
Fred Siskind:
DIN38 Oleander Aphids, Great Falls 080523 (1) cropped sig
Fred Siskind:
Eastern Pondhawk, Great Falls 073123 (2) sig
Fred Siskind:
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail and Bluebells, Great Falls 041223 sig
Fred Siskind:
European Hornet and Eastern Yellowjacket eating Cicada, Great Falls 072023 sig
Fred Siskind:
DFR807Five-lined Skink, Great Falls 052123 (5) crop sig
Fred Siskind:
DFL1579 Golden Ragwort, Great Falls 041223 crop sig