Fred Siskind:
DBU771 Tiger Swallowtail, Claude Moore 071721 sig
Fred Siskind:
DBU772 Tiger Swallowtail, Claude Moore 071721 sig
Fred Siskind:
DBU773 Tiger Swallowtail, Claude Moore 071721 dark highlights sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF813 Slaty Skimmer, Claude Moore 071721 light shadows dark highlights sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF1210 Wandering Glider, Claude Moore 090721 sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF1210a Wandering Glider, Claude Moore 090721 sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF2095 Bluet, Claude Moore 090721 sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF2095a Bluet eyes, Claude Moore 090721 sig
Fred Siskind:
DBU1974 Buckeye, Claude Moore 090721 sig stack of 4
Fred Siskind:
DBU1975 Buckeye, Claude Moore 090721 Stack of 5 sig
Fred Siskind:
DBU1587 Sachem, Claude Moore 090721 sig - Copy
Fred Siskind:
DIN638 Ladybug, Claude Moore 090721 sig
Fred Siskind:
Twelve-spotted Skimmer, Claude Moore 090721 levels sig
Fred Siskind:
DIN205 Gold-marked Thread-wasited Wasp, Riverbend 090421 sig
Fred Siskind:
DIN1761 Double-banded Scoliid Wasp, Riverbend 090421 sig
Fred Siskind:
Dewy grass, Claude Moore 092521 sig
Fred Siskind:
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Claude Moore 092521
Fred Siskind:
DBU1909a Peck's Skipper, Claude Moore 09252 levels sig
Fred Siskind:
DBU2101 Eastern Tailed Blue, Claude Moore 092521 stack of 7 4 and 3 sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF1211 Wandering Glider, Claude Moore 092521 sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF1211a Wandering Glider, Claude Moore 092521 sig
Fred Siskind:
DDF1211b Wandering Glider, left wings, Claude Moore 092521 sig