Fred Siskind: Water lilly, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 071817 clone 700
Fred Siskind: Lotus bud and seed head, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 071817 (2) levels 700
Fred Siskind: Lotus beginning to flower, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 071817 (78) 700
Fred Siskind: Lotus beginning to flower, soft focus, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 071817 (80) 700
Fred Siskind: Lotus beginning to flower, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 071817 (80) 2 photos 700
Fred Siskind: Lotus, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 071817 (65) levels 700
Fred Siskind: Lotus, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 071817 (9) clone levels700
Fred Siskind: Rose mallow, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 071817 700
Fred Siskind: Cardinal flower, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 071817 (2) 700
Fred Siskind: Water drops on stem, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 071817 (102) levels 700
Fred Siskind: Monarch, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 071817 (179) 700
Fred Siskind: Monarch with open wings, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 071817 700
Fred Siskind: Bluet, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 071817 (94) levels cont 700
Fred Siskind: Juvenile Great Blue Heron, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 071817 700
Fred Siskind: Water lillies, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 (45) 700
Fred Siskind: Slaty skimmer on lotus,Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 levels, light shadows, bright 700
Fred Siskind: Red-eared slider, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 (66) 700
Fred Siskind: Needham's skimmer, female, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 700
Fred Siskind: Milkweed beetle, wings open, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 (243) 700
Fred Siskind: Lotus, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 (28) clone 700
Fred Siskind: Lotus stack of 11, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 (164) 700
Fred Siskind: Lotus showing seed head, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 clone bright 700
Fred Siskind: Lotus seed head, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 700
Fred Siskind: Lotus bud with lotus background, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 700
Fred Siskind: Least skipper, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 700
Fred Siskind: Kenilworth models, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 (34) 700
Fred Siskind: Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 (201) 700
Fred Siskind: Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 levels dark highlights bright 700
Fred Siskind: Damselfly and shadow, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 700
Fred Siskind: Familiar Bluet, Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens 070817 levels 700