Holiday Beach Migration Observatory: Tiffanie Rajki- new bander
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory: Bob Pettit - President - Raptor Migration Co-Chair
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory: Steve Dickson - Raptor Bander
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory: Martha Vardai - Secretary
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory: Bob Hall-Brooks - Passerine Banding Coordinator
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory: Garry Balkwill - Raptor and Owl Bander
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory: Dorothy Balkwill - Raptor and Owl Bander
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory: Claude Radley - Vice-President - Banding Program Administrator
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory: Gary Buchanon and Claude Radley - Raptor Banders
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory: Kory Renaud - Webmaster with Dorothy Balkwill and Andy Parsons in the back.